Over the last few days I have seen a few videos from a company showing a Tactical reload and emergency reload.
Let me start by saying I think it's great they are taking the time to make short videos containing free tips, but I think the information is okay at best.
I commented on these said videos and was attacked, the best was by a guy talking about his airsoft experience.
My biggest problem with the videos was looking at the gun during a reload. Like I tell my students, you don't need to look at the gun to make sure you're still holding it.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks they need to look at the gun to reload it. Besides the obvious, I don't want to look at the gun to reload it when someone is presenting a lethal threat.
Not to mention the distortion of the perception of time that happens during a critical incident. People in car accidents or violent encounters will talk about things slowing down. So if you were experiencing a distortion of the perception of time and looked down mid-reload you would perceive that you were reloading slower than normal, which could cause you to speed up your reload (which was already at your full "efficient" speed already) which could cause you to screw it up. That's an abbreviated explanation to further research the distortion of the perception of time Google Tachypsychia.
My next problem with these videos was the putting the gun up in your line of sight while reloading it.
That method way work well on a square range or during gun games, but not so great during a fight. Besides if you're so busy looking at a gun during a reload and don't notice the bad guys buddy who rushes up smashes the gun off your face or grabs your arm.....what now?
Next this video showed flipping the magazine out with the fresh mag....Really, way to get back in the fight as fast possible.
The reason the mag wasn't dropping in the video is because the gun was up in the guys face turned sideways not letting the mag drop.
Next the video showed using the slide STOP, the best part was he fumbled it and commented how stiff the slide stop was to use.
Fine motor skills go out the window during critical incidents, so why not over hand rack the slide. The video also commented use your support hand to hit the slide stop, what about a lefty? That wouldn't be efficient on a square range let alone a fight.
These are just a few things that made my WTF moment today.